Safer, healthier, happier Protecting workers to rebuild our economy

Working it out

Poor health and safety harms people, communities, businesses, our National Health Service (NHS) and the economy.

In 2022-23, 1.8 million people reported they were suffering from work-related
ill health, around half of them saying they had stress, depression or anxiety.

An estimated 35.2 million working days were lost in the same period from self-reported work-related ill health or injury. Estimates from the previous year (2021-22) put the cost of workplace injury and new cases of work-related ill health at £20.7 billion, a 10 per cent increase from 2019-20 (Health and Safety Executive, 2023).  

More recently, the rate of economic inactivity among the British working population stood at 22 per cent (Office for National Statistics, 2024). 

Imagine the benefits we could all reap from preventing harm – rather than just dealing with the after-effects; protecting and inspiring people through better working conditions and improved health and safety standards.