Manager and employee talking informally
Prioritising mental health in the workplace

We call on UK governments and policy-makers

  • to develop a national workplace mental health strategy which recognises the role of the workplace, invests in cross-government department working, pursues evidence-based policies and practices, and establishes reporting and monitoring systems. Action taken should target all businesses and include appropriate support models and capacity-building for psychosocial risk management for micro-SMEs (i.e. supporting them to implement training and psychosocial interventions) and all levels of employees.
  • to offer support, information, awareness and skills to all businesses, including micro-SMEs, for the protection and promotion of positive mental health, which also encompasses a strong focus on prevention activities (e.g. through psychosocial risk management, job design, guidance on violence, harassment and discrimination).
  • to bring forward an initiative to promote mental health and introduce explicit legislation addressing how employers must identify psychosocial hazards and risks.
  • to review existing legislation to ensure it is adequate to prevent and mitigate occupational health risks.
  • to ensure the regulators, the HSE and local authorities’ environmental health teams are adequately funded and able to deliver the required levels of inspection and enforcement needed to drive the organisational approach to prevent and manage psychosocial risks.